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Friday, May 14, 2010

Kanye Sales his House

Kanye West appears to be moving on to bigger and better things, as he recently put his $3,995,000Hollywood house up for sale. The 3 bedroom/3.5 bathroom 4,214 square foot house, which was originally purchased in 2003 for $1,750,000, combines contemporary interior design with pop art. A life-size Buzz Lightyear figurine, Burton Morris’ Jetsons paintings, Takashi Murakami’s plush toys, and a fish tank in the bathroom are just a few of the many intriguing features of Kanye’s pad. If you had the funds, would you buy? I believe it would be a mistake not to, because it would definitely, as Mr. West would say, put your “swagga on a hundred thousand trillion.” --source

If I had the money this house would be mine, its in the area that i want to live in and I LOVE the styling of the house! One day I WILL have something like this!!


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